Science Alive!

Under 5 Fest

Science Alive was New Zealand’s Science Centre, aimed at hands-on learning experiences for families. I worked as their Marketing Manager and as a Community Science Educator for two years.

We ran the ‘Big Science Day’ in Cathedral Square, Christchurch and the annual ‘Under 5 Fest’, as well as our daily ‘Science Snippets’ and Science Education in Schools programmes.

My role was to market all of our events, create and share online content for the brand and seek out new opportunities for brand exposure on a charity budget.


  • Big Science Day - over 20,000 people attended this event in one day

  • Two live shows on WhatNOW children's show

  • Under 5 Fest - over 5,000 children under five years old attended

  • Science Snippets worked five days a week as a free community science lesson

  • Picture Happiness On Earth Project in Japan with Rangi Ruru School

Image credits: Geni McCallum (except the first three of me teaching)

“What I admire about Geni is how important it is to her that she works for an organization where she feels she can make a difference. Geni was an extremely supportive co-worker. Geni has an incredible passion for science and is enthusiastic about sharing this passion with others. Though not trained as a scientist herself, she worked very hard to research, develop and organise different interactive science classes for the children. Communicating science to a general audience is not an easy task. However, Geni managed to do this effectively for a range of scientific topics, demonstrating her excellent communication skills. Working for a charity which suffered significantly in the Christchurch earthquakes, Geni was often required to be creative and resourceful when developing class activities. The fact that she had the same children regularly attending her classes is a testament to her hard work and contagious love of science.”

— Rachel van Heugten (Science Alive)

“I had the pleasure of working with Geni for several years at Science Alive, we collaborated on many ideas and projects together. I was impressed by Geni’s ability to effortlessly work with and alongside others. Thanks to her interpersonal skills she built good relations with both clients and potential customers. In the time I worked with Geni she was able to learn many tasks that extended far beyond the scope of her specified role; using her creativity to deal with projects that may have been outside of her direct area of expertise. She had the vision to see the benefits in projects and the passion to turn them into a successful venture. Geni is motivated and forward-thinking with lots of knowledge in her specific field of marketing.”

— Anna Baker (Science Alive)

“Geni is a truly creative designer and marketer who makes branding and marketing really fun and cool. I have worked with Geni with multiple projects and she is always fast, accurate, and effective. Geni is super tech-savvy, helpful and very easy to work with. I miss working with her and her productions, especially all the cool movies she has created to promote science education.”

— Aya Bartneck (Science Alive)

WhatNOW videos starring and all subsequent videos made by Geni McCallum.




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